New Journey

I admire those who find time to balance everything in their lives. 

I have not found that perfect balance yet, but I enjoy the path trying to find it. This year has brought many unexpected changes to my somewhat organized and planned world. Change can be new, different, frightening, but also amazing. 

I chose to be an educator to make a difference, to help others, to be the change. The past eight years I enjoyed teaching first grade with wonderful co-workers and became very comfortable with what I was doing. This past summer, one of my many other jobs gave me the opportunity to take on a different role within my school District. 

I wasn't sure that I was ready for change, but after hours of making lists and conversations with those I trust most in my life, I decided to leave my school and 'my work family' to help a different school. Even after applying, interviewing and being offered the position- I still wasn't sure if what I was doing was right. 

June, July and August flew past and my new responsibilities made me forget how much I missed the classroom. A few setbacks and new personalities along the way gave me the opportunity to do lots of self-reflection. Although change can be tough, it can also be rewarding. Some days I call my old team members just to hear a friendly voice to make it through the day. Other days, I call to tell them about the amazing new things that we are trying at my new site. 

The whole reason for writing this post is to share the message that even though change can feel awful at times, change is necessary. I enjoy my new roles, and have learned to embrace some of the changes in my life. I haven't found the right way to do things, but I can share my struggles so that you might not make the same mistakes. 

Keep up the positive attitude, be kind and always listen!




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