Summer Math Talk


  1. Hi Nina! This sounds like it will be a great presentation! My husband is a superintendent of a school in the town next to us- and he always has teachers think of the top 5 or 10 things that they would be heartbroken if the kids didn't know when they left their class that year. :) I guess for K, at least, I would hope they would know how to count to 100 (by ones and tens), how to write numbers 0-20 (with teen numbers beginning with a 1), how to name shapes and tell 2-D from 3-D, how to do addition and subtraction problems to 5 (with drawings and manipulatives), and how to count on from a number that isn't one. :) Other things that I think are important are how to put numbers in order from least to greatest and know more than/less than. AND how to read a graph- more, less, most, least, HOW MANY MORE. (That is a biggie!) Good luck with your talk! You will do awesome! :) THEN- in 1st and 2nd grade I think MATH FACTS are SO important! Kids don't seem to know them quickly without having to figure them out anymore, and this slows down everything as math gets more tricky. OK- those are my opinions. :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Thank you so much for your input Carolyn! :)

  2. Hi Nina! I taught second grade math this past year, and here are 5 things I think my kids should definitely know/be able to do before going onto 3rd grade:

    - Know math facts through 20
    - Solid understanding of how to add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers
    - Able to talk about shapes and measurement using correct vocabulary
    - Able to read and analyze different types of graphs
    - Beginning understanding of arrays (this will get them ready for multiplication)

    There's probably more that I've left out, but I hope that helps! :)


    1. Thank you!! Your input is very much appreciated! :)

  3. Good morning, Nina!
    I teach in Texas, and as far as I know we are the only state that does not implement common core, with that being said I have noticed a lot of differences between common core and our standards. Such as our kinder states meet most 1st and some 2nd common core standards.

    The main things we want our kindergarteners to leave here knowing is:
    - Math facts for sure 1-10, but we teach and encourage 1-20
    - fractions, dividing shapes and objects.
    - non-standard measurement and temperature
    - graphing. read and analyze different types of graphs.

    I started to introduce time, but it wasn't in our standards this year, but they changed them and it will be next year for kindergarten.

    I think that's about it, aside from the obvious, they need to recognize and show me 1-20, and count to 100, by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s.
    Thanks! :)

    Mrs. Thomas's Class

    1. Thank you so much Cassie! I love being able to hear from other people and get input on what teachers feel is most important! :)

  4. Sounds like it will be a great training! My thoughts for end of 2nd grade:
    1. solid math facts (especially addition)
    2. Place value
    3. Subtraction and addition with regrouping

    1. Thank you so much Kelly! I love hearing your ideas!

  5. Look at your great blog!!! My brain is absolute MOOOOOSH right now so I don't have a cohesive answer, but wanted to say HIIII! :)
    Your newest follower - Lisa
    Growing Firsties

  6. Lovin' the blog! xoxoxo
    For K- I would be bummed if they couldn't identify basic patterns, add/subtract to 10, order numbers small to big, Count to 100 by 1s and 10s, too!

    Good luck- this is great!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your comments! The class went very well and I love everyone who gave a little input! :) Thanks again!

  7. Hi Nina!
    I hope I am not too late! In first grade in Kansas, my top five would be..
    1. Compose and Decompose numbers to 100. (knowing 10 more, 10 less, etc...)
    2. Facts (addition/subtraction to 20)
    3. general problem solving skills
    4. ability to compare numbers using different representations (tally marks, tens/ones, expanded notation, numerals, etc..)
    5. Ability to understand regrouping for adding and subtracting (to 100)

    Have a great in-service!!

    1. Thank you Kim! The class went very well! Thank you so much for commenting!

  8. Super cute post! I bet you'll do great at your presentation!

    I feel that first graders need to understand:
    1. Number sense - Be able to actually explain how they know how much a number is worth.
    2. How to automatically identify 1 & 2 more and less
    3. Automatically identify 10 more & 10 less
    4. Solve basic addition and subtraction problems using number sentences & pictures.
    5. They need to be able to compare sums of addition and subtraction problems. (greater than/less than)
    6. Analyzing and explaining graphs. How much more, how much less.. etc.
    7. Automatically solve addition and subtraction problems within 20 using the doubles and doubles +1 & +2 strategies!

    I hope this helps!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

    The Teacher Talk

    1. The materials part: I would reccomend that teachers have a caddie or bucket with the following materials: number lines, number grid, various games, counting manipulative materials, dice, dominoes..etc! :)

    2. Love your ideas! Thank you for sharing! The class went very well- and I get to give training to more of my District at the end of the summer- so I love getting your input! Take care!


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