Start of My Blogging Journey

Well we all have to begin somewhere. I have contemplated the start of a blog for quite a while. I love reading others blog and follow several wonderful teachers but I always wanted to do more than just comment on other people's blogs. So I should tell you a little about me...

Meet Nina-

I have been teaching first grade for the past eight years in Phoenix, Arizona. I love my job and have wonderful colleagues. When I began my career, I wanted to make a difference. I don't think much has changed in that aspect- my scope has just gotten bigger. I work everyday to make a difference for my kiddos. I'm joining the blogging world to share and collaborate on a bigger scale. I gain so many amazing ideas from reading what others have to say. I guess I just wanted a forum where I could ask the questions. 

I love teaching reading. Reading has been my forte since childhood. My nose was always buried in a book growing up. My husband still makes fun of me when we start a book together and I can't help but finishing it immediately. I feel my most confident and comfortable teaching reading. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy teaching in general. I just get that excitement for my kids when they start to get excitement for stories they read. 

The previous four years I also took on more of an administrative role as well as teaching. I was the site coordinator for a before school and after school program at our school. I always wanted to help fellow teachers in any way that I could and I enjoyed running a successful program. I needed a break and a change of pace. This year I chose to take a step back and take care of me for a while. It was a great decision and I have had a wonderful year thus far. 

Having more time on my hands was a blessing but I always feel the need to be busy. So I ended up teaching math after school to 3rd graders as well as tutoring a few students during the week. Then I went and applied to be a part of a new district professional development team. The goal of the team is to improve math instruction, and professional development across our 32 schools. I am looking forward to doing my part to continue sharing ideas, collaborating with others and making a difference in the classroom. 

I look forward to blogging with you all, sharing ideas and activities that I use in my world. I love collaboration and what a perfect place to share our ideas! 

Thanks for stopping by!



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