
Returning To The Blogging World

Thank you to those who have followed me through my blogging adventures. I'm returning from an entire year without posting anything to my blog. The reason, my four month old daughter Sophie. Sophie was born in September and my pregnancy and adjusting to life as a parent have kept me busy in so many other ways that blogging was put on a back burner. My last post was about finding balance and I'm not there yet, but I'm on my way. The past two years I have had the privilege of being an instructional coach at a K-6 elementary school. To move forward with my blog, I felt the most beneficial posts might be the insights I have gained from working with these teachers. I will be sharing strategies that worked in their classrooms and giving tips that save time and effort. I work with a mix of veteran teachers, brand new teachers, and teachers who made a grade level or subject change in the past year. As a school we are currently doing a book study with three different texts about ...

New Journey

I admire those who find time to balance everything in their lives.  I have not found that perfect balance yet, but I enjoy the path trying to find it. This year has brought many unexpected changes to my somewhat organized and planned world. Change can be new, different, frightening, but also amazing.  I chose to be an educator to make a difference, to help others, to be the change. The past eight years I enjoyed teaching first grade with wonderful co-workers and became very comfortable with what I was doing. This past summer, one of my many other jobs gave me the opportunity to take on a different role within my school District.  I wasn't sure that I was ready for change, but after hours of making lists and conversations with those I trust most in my life, I decided to leave my school and 'my work family' to help a different school. Even after applying, interviewing and being offered the position- I still wasn't sure if what I was doing was right.  Jun...

TPT Sale With Lots of Freebies!!

Sale and Freebies on TPT!! Happy Holidays to all! I'm in a giving and 'gifting' mood this morning! Several of my store items are free for the rest of the day, normally paid products. The rest of my store is very inexpensive... meaning most things are free or only $1 today only! Hope you are all get the rest and relaxation you deserve!! Merry Christmas! -Nina

Snow Thankful



As I finish up my Elfish Games bundle- I wanted to give you all a Flash Freebie! I'm planning on making my whole store free if I can get enough feedback on my work! Hope you like it! -Nina
Image Check out this wonderful giveaway!!
Image  Growing bundle is now up and started! I will add more tomorrow, but all games are done or almost finished!  All include directions, multiple ways to play and so much more! This bundle will be $10 until the after the Holidays! Sold separately it's worth over $40 in what it will be in my store after January 1st, 2015!! I'm thinking about whether to share the love with kids, animals or friends helping kids through foster care. Don't forget to comment with a chance to sway the donation- or maybe split it if it's more than a few dollars :) Thanks again for supporting the Phoenix Community. Hoping I can adopt a few families this year!! Don't forget you can enter for a chance to win as well by visiting me on facebook  Best! -Nina